
Apple reporting, delivered in a .zip file, can contain several different text files (.txt) - some of which are relevant for the purposes of royalty accounting and some which are not. The following .txt reports contained in Apple (Zip) reporting are ingested by our importer:

  • Apple Music files beginning with "S1"
  • Apple Radio files beginning with "S3"
  • Apple DJ Mix files beginning with "S5"
  • Apple Cloud files beginning with "C"
  • Apple iTunes files beginning with a string of numbers and no letter coding

Files that begin with "S2" are summary files by region. These files don't contain the necessary metadata to create transactions from, so they are ignored. Similarly, the file called "Summary.txt" is also not ingested by our importer.

How to get the data

  • Go to Payments and Financial Reports in iTunes Connect and click Create Reports.
  • Select the month for the report you would like to download.
  • Keep the default report settings for region - All Countries or Regions (Multiple Files) - and select all report types if prompted.
  • Click Create Reports.
  • When reports are ready, a download link will be provided. Click Download Reports to retrieve the .zip file containing your Apple reporting.

Importing into IC:

  • In IC, navigate to Royalties -> Data Imports
  • Select the Apple (Zip) importer from the dropdown menu
  • Choose the desired file and click "Import"

Please note - if your Apple Zip import succeeds, but no transactions were created, open the zip file and look at the .txt files inside. If there is a "Summary.txt" file and the only other files begin with "S2", the zip has no transaction data. It will "successfully" upload, but no transactions will be created.

Importing individual Apple reports

Importers for individual Apple .txt file reports are also available, and are listed as: Apple Music, Apple Radio, Apple DJ Mix, and Apple Cloud. To import individual reports, simply select the desired importer from the importer selection drop-down menu when creating a new data import, choose the desired .txt file.

Apple (Legacy) Importer

Apple updated their report formatting in August 2023. For any reporting prior to August 2023, please use the Apple (Legacy Zip 2013 - July 2023) importer. For legacy Apple Zip reporting prior to 2013, the Apple Zip (Legacy pre-2013) importer should be used.

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