About Infinite Catalog

Infinite Catalog’s mission is to make royalty accounting easy, by combining industry expertise with purpose-built tools for artists and the people who help them grow.

We believe that an industry-wide shift to a net profit share model of royalty accounting - as opposed to old-school “ppd royalty” based deals - is underway. This “new” model has been proven in the independent music community for decades, and is uniquely suited to meet the challenges and opportunities of the coming artist-centric age. The labels, publishers, managers, etc - the people we work with directly - will adapt, with transparency and equitable compensation for artists changing from afterthought to prerequisite. Our job is to build the tools and share the knowledge required for everyone to make the transition and thrive in this new age, improving the lives of those involved and ultimately yielding a larger pie for all to share.

When you sign up for Infinite Catalog, you are participating in and contributing to this long-overdue shift to a more artist-friendly environment. The industry expertise mentioned above is not exclusive to our staff - it is continually informed by the experiences, ideas, and creativity of our customers and the artists they work with. Every day we learn new ways to apply the net profit share model and improve the processes that surround it, and that knowledge is continually incorporated into our software + service so that the entire community may benefit.

As for our own business model, we are an entirely independent and bootstrapped company (so far), built from the sweat of a decade on the frontlines of the music industry as label owners, managers, publishers, and artists. Our pricing was designed to reflect the direct value of services work, to align ourselves with the financial fates of our customers, and to ensure we’re able to offer the same features and needs-based service to catalogs no matter their shape or size. We are incredibly proud to be building a software + service that counts both brand-new and decades-deep catalogs as happy customers.

We cannot express the gratitude, excitement, and responsibility we feel every day for the opportunity to do this work, which is only just beginning. As the shift to an artist-centric world gains momentum, we will do our best to provide a platform where expertise and technology can be harnessed for the benefit of all. Whether you’re an artist or a person or organization helping them grow, we hope you’ll join us.

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