How to Use the Reserves Tool

Reserves - or Reserves for Return - can be easily tracked within IC using our Reserves tool. This tool conveniently creates transactions for Reserves and withholds and liquidates these Reserves on your specified dates.

To set up the Reserves tool for your account and track your Reserves within IC, follow the process outlined below:

To enable the Reserves tool for your catalog:

  • Navigate to Account -> Account Settings.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the Enable Reserves box.

To set Reserves rates for a release:

Reserves totals for a release are calculated by multiplying the summed totals of matching physical income transactions by their calculated reserve rates. To set your Reserve rates for a release within IC:

  • Navigate to Catalog -> Manager.
  • Open the desired release and click Edit.
  • Enter your Reserves rate for the release in the Reserves Rate box + click Save at the bottom of the screen.
  • Reserves can be calculated for multiple releases at a time. Follow these steps for each release you would like to enable Reserves for.

To calculate Reserves:

  1. Navigate to Royalties -> Reserves.
  2. Open the "Paid Timestamp" field, set your desired date range for Reserves accounting, and click Apply.
  3. Review your calculated Reserves totals in the report below.
  4. When you are ready create your Reserves click "Create Transactions".
  5. Enter your Held Transaction & Liquidated Transactions timestamps on the Create Transactions page as detailed below and click Create Data Import. This will generate a new Reserves import on your Data Imports page.

Our Reserves tool creates two transactions for each release - one representing the date the Reserves are held, and the other which represents the date the Reserves will be liquidated, or released.

For  Held Transactions Timestamp and Paid Timestamp - choose the date for transactions that hold the reserves.
For  Liquidated Transactions Timestamp and Paid Timestamp - choose the date when the reserve transactions will be liquidated.

Based on these dates, our system will automatically withhold your Reserves totals and release them back to your payees on your specified date.

You can track these Reserves transactions at any time by navigating to Royalties -> Reserves and clicking on the Items and Transactions links in the top nav bar as shown below.

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