Change, update, or escalate splits and contracts, without changing previous balances

In IC, you can change, update, or escalate splits and contracts after a certain threshold - such as a date range, quantity, or balance - without changing the previous balances retroactively.

To do so, use the "explicitly assign contracts" workflow. This workflow will "lock" the "old" contract and splits to the transactions you've selected, so that new transactions can use a "new" contract and splits moving forward.

Here's the explicitly assign contracts workflow:

  1. Isolate the transactions that should keep the "old" split amount
    1. You can do this using Filters on the Transactions page, or on any Artist, Release, Track, or Item page
  2. Assign a Contract to just those transactions
    1. Select Actions -> Bulk Update -> Contract, then select the "old" Contract; hit Update.
  3. Update the Release, Track, or Item with the "new" Contract
    1. You can do this in the Catalog Manager or on the Release, Track, or Item page

Now, any new transactions will automatically use the new Contract and splits, while the old transactions will continue using the old Contract and splits. This lets you continue to have all transactions associated with the Release, Track or Item all in one place, while changing who gets what from each transaction moving forward.

For example - if you have a 50/50 deal with a payee for a release which then turns into a 60/40 deal after a certain date, you can assign the 50/50 contract to all transactions up to that date. To do so:

  1. Navigate to a Release -> All Transactions
  2. Add Filter for Paid Timestamp and "Manually Set Times" with an end date of less than or equal to the date and time it needs to change. This will display all of the transactions for this release with a Paid Timestamp up to that date and time.
  3. From the Actions drop-down bar, select Bulk Update -> Contract and type in the name of your 50/50 contract. Leave the Unassign checkbox unchecked and click Update to assign the contract. The transactions in your view will now have the 50/50 contract locked in place.
  4. Create a new 60/40 contract and apply it to the release in the Catalog Manager or Release page in order for all of the transactions after the date to inherit the new contract and splits.

If you have any questions about your particular situation, please reach out to Support and we would be glad to help!

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