How do I account for a fee not present in my data?
Fees, such as processing or distribution fees, can be easily added as percentage amounts in the Importer Settings of an importer. This is useful for when a fee is deducted from transaction totals but is not represented in the data itself - such as a distribution or e-commerce processing fee. To add a fee to an importer:
- Navigate to Royalties -> Data Imports and click the Importers link in the top navigation bar
- Select the importer you would like to set a Distribution Fee for, and navigate to Settings on the top navigation bar of the importer
- Click Add A Fee to set a new fee to be deducted from the transaction total for this importer

- Add the Fee Name (i.e. 10% distribution fee), Fee % (expressed as a decimal amount), and the Format to apply the fee to if applicable
- Once applied, the fee % will be applied to each individual transactional total ingested via the importer and will deduct from the total accordingly