Merging and Moving Releases and Tracks

Releases and tracks can be easily merged and moved within the Catalog Manager (Catalog -> Manager).

In order to move a release, drag-and-drop that release to another artist to change its artist. This can also be done by using the "Edit" function on the release page itself and updating the Artist field.

The Catalog Manager also supports merging releases. A merge moves all items from the source into the target, matching at track level where possible, and then deletes the source release and all of its tracks. Drag-and-drop a release into another one to merge them. Dragging Release A onto Release B will delete Release A and reassign all of its items to Release B.

Similar to releases, tracks can also be drag-and-dropped onto releases to update their parent release, or onto other tracks to merge them.

After merging Releases, we recommend examining the Items inside the merged Release and assigning any Track-level Items to the corresponding Track within the Release to ensure the Items are sitting within the correct object in your catalog.

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