How We Bill

First off, we appreciate your business! In addition to buying yourself a top notch royalty solution, paying for Infinite Catalog also means you’re supporting an independent company that’s entirely funded by our customers.

IC billing is dynamic - your bill is determined by the income brought into the software each month (except the first bill, which is always the minimum amount). To let people use IC at their own pace, billing is based on when you add income to IC, not when it occurred - so if you skip or have zero income in a given month, you just pay the minimum monthly cost, and if you add multiple months' at once, that total determines your tier just for that month.

You can always view your in-progress bill, upcoming payment date, past invoices, payment method and Subscription/Plan by navigating to Account -> Billing in the software!

"Income" in IC is whatever you decide it is, but it's typically net of, or after, distribution, platform, or other fees get taken out first, because that is typically what's considered "income" when it comes to royalty accounting and your catalog.

On the final day of each billing period we'll attempt to charge the payment method on file. If it can't be charged, you'll get an email requesting an updated payment method.

How to Read an IC Invoice

In your IC invoice, Stripe starts with the minimum flat fee ($9) for everybody. If your income amount puts you in a higher tier that month, it adds additional flat fees to the $9 (so +$40 for the second tier to = $49/flat, or +$140 for the third tier to = $149). As the flat amount increases, the % decreases - this is so there's a smooth transition between tiers, which you can see reflected on the Pricing page calculator.

Stripe then uses the total income added in the previous 30 days to mean "Qty", multiplying this amount by the % for that month's tier (represented as $0.019 for 1.9%, $0.015 for 1.5%, and $0.01 for 1%) to find the Unit Price. And then it totals it all up. It's much simpler on our Pricing page calculator, but this is as good as Stripe (and the Billing page linked to it) can do for now.

Missed Payments and Suspended Accounts

If we're unable to charge the payment method on file, you'll be prompted via email to update it, and Stripe will attempt to retry the charge up to four times.

At the beginning of each month, we reach out directly to customers with still-outstanding bills to request they update their payment method, and help with any issues.

If we're still unable to charge the payment method after three unpaid invoices, the account will be suspended until the payment method is updated and the invoices are paid, at which point the account will be reactivated. We keep suspended accounts available to be re-activated as long as we can, but we may archive or delete suspended accounts at any time.

If you want to keep your account but are unable to pay for it, for any reason, please let us know - we're humans, we know life can be tough sometimes, and we'll figure out a way to help if we can!

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