What do I do for Releases that are not being accounted for in my royalty reporting?

For Releases with income or expense transactions from data source reporting which are not being accounted for in your royalty reporting - you can create an "Ignore" contract to conveniently pass these transactions through the system. In doing so, you can also track these totals as part of overall Catalog Profit in each period while ensuring the transactions are not accounted for to your payees. To create an "Ignore" contract, follow the instructions below:

  • First, navigate to the Contracts page in your account (Catalog -> Contracts) and click "Create"
  • Your new "Ignore" contract can be named to your preferences - some examples include "Label Ignore" or "Label Overhead"
  • Add a payee representing your label name, and a 0% split for this payee as shown below:

  • This contract can then be assigned to any Releases in the system which are not to be accounted for in your royalty reporting. This will ensure that the Release and its corresponding transactions are not accounted for to your payees, but can still be tracked as overall Catalog Profit in each Period.

Helpful tip! "Ignore" contracts can also be assigned to any Track, Item, or Transaction which is not to be accounted for in your royalty reporting.

Some catalogs find it helpful to create a new Label Artist and Label Overhead Release for this Artist - and assign this release with an "Ignore" contract - in order to account for any overhead or errant transactions from data source reporting in a single place within the system.

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