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Additional Transactions aka "additionals"

The majority of a catalog's transactions are delivered in data files (.csvs, .txts, etc.) provided by distributors, direct-to-fan platforms, PROs, etc.

However there is almost always additional income, expenses, and transfers that need to be accounted for, which are not delivered in data files; we refer to these as "Additional Transactions," or simply "additionals."

Additionals can be input directly into IC one at a time, or imported in bulk. More detail on those processes here. If you're unsure of how to enter an additional, reach out! 

Common examples of additional transactions:
Type Transaction categories
Income syncs, merch table sales, 3rd party licensing, wholesales
Expenses production costs, manufacturing, PR, freight, videos
Transfers advances, tour support, merch advances

NOTE: additionals typically do *not* include expenses considered catalog "overhead," such as labor, rent, taxes, and accounting. Very often what can be considered an expense vs. overhead is detailed in the contract between the catalog and the artist/payees. More on expenses here

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