Catalog Import

There are two ways to set up a catalog in IC. The first - and easiest - method is to simply import your data and let our system help do the work of building your catalog for you.

However, for large catalogs with established catalog metadata (i.e. Artists, Releases, Tracks), it is preferable to set up your catalog in IC using our Catalog Import tool. This will ensure that your metadata in IC is stored to your preferences (& matches the data delivered to your data sources) while streamlining the onboarding process by optimizing import matching.

Though this tool is not yet available in catalog accounts, our friendly Support team is glad to assist in helping set up your catalog via Catalog Import. For more information, please see the instructions below.

What catalog metadata do I need? - To set your catalog up in IC, we'll need unified catalog metadata with Artists, Releases, Tracks, and corresponding unique values (UPCs, ISRCs, Track #s, Catalog #s, and Track Artists [if applicable]). This will look something like the example below:

Make a copy of our CSV template here to transpose your catalog metadata to the format our Catalog Importer tool ingests.

Some helpful tips:

  • Release Artist Name and Release Name are required for all rows. To create a release without Tracks, leave all the Track columns blank.
  • To create multiple Tracks for a release, make sure all the Tracks have the same values for Release Artist Name and Release Name.
  • If Track Artist Name is left blank, the Track will default to the Release's Artist.
  • Ensure Release UPC and Track ISRC values correspond to information delivered to distributors to best optimize your catalog setup, as our system will match values in your data source reporting to these values in IC.
  • Some elements of your catalog metadata may need to be concatenated (i.e. values in "Song" + "Song Version" columns).

Valid columns: Release Artist Name, Release Name, Release Catalog Number, Release UPC, Track Artist Name, Track Name, Track ISRC, Track Number (case-insensitive). Files must be in UTF-8 format.

Excel will automatically convert numeric values over 12 digits (e.g. UPCs) into scientific notation when opening CSV files. When importing your catalog data from an external source we recommend using File → Import in Excel, and explicitly formatting the UPC column as Text.

Once you have finished transposing your catalog metadata to our CSV template, please send this data to our Support team ( and a friendly member of our team will assist you.

In order to optimize onboarding processes when setting up a catalog with our Catalog Import tool, we recommend waiting to import your data source reporting until after your catalog has been imported.

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