How to run Mechanical Reporting in HFA (Harry Fox Agency) Format
Mechanical reporting in HFA (Harry Fox Agency) formatting can easily be created in IC using our Harry Fox Agency Mechanical output format when creating a new Mechanical report, as shown below. In order to create HFA formatted reporting, you'll first want to enable and set up Mechanicals for corresponding Releases in your catalog by following the helpful instructions here in our Knowledge Base.
This HFA output format differs from our Default Mechanicals Format in that Release-level sales are automatically pro-rated across Tracks in each Release (rather than our system creating both Release-level and Track-level Mechanicals in the Default Output Format) in order to fulfill the requirements of HFA Mechanical reporting.
Once the Mechanicals report has been created, our system provides an HFA formatted table of calculated Mechanical reporting which can be easily Downloaded from IC (using the "Download" button top-right of the table) and transposed to HFA's reporting template.
This Mechanicals report format can be used in conjunction with our Mechanicals Tool and standard IC statements to report both a standard IC royalty statement and a supplementary breakdown to fulfill HFA Mechanical reporting requirements.
Please note: The Harry Fox Agency report does not create Mechanical transactions in the system, and as such, this report should be used in conjunction with the Default output format as a supplement to IC statements.