Universal Music Group (UMG / Virgin / Caroline)

Due to the formatting of multi-tab Universal Music Group data (reports beginning with the Statement - Send Version / SUMMARY STATEMENT tab), our importers are unable to ingest UMG data as it is reported by this data source, including those reports also provided by subsidiaries Virgin and Caroline.

Instead, this data can be easily accounted for within IC using our Additional Transactions template by transposing the transactional detail from the reporting to a copy of our Additionals worksheet and bulk importing the transactions via the bulk importer in your account (Royalties -> Transactions -> Create -> Bulk Create).

To do so, simply copy over the desired transactional data from each tab of UMG reporting containing royalty totals to the corresponding IC value listed in our Additional Transactions template. These tabs include but are not limited to: Digital Sales, Physical Sales, Sound Exchange, Foreign Licensing, Domestic Licensing, AIF, Manufacturing, and Marketing.

To provide an example using the typical column values reported in the Digital Sales tab of multi-tab UMG data:

  • Artist column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "artist" column in our Additionals worksheet
  • Project Description column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "release name" column in our Additionals worksheet
  • UPC column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "upc" column in our Additionals worksheet
  • ISRC column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "isrc" column in our Additionals worksheet
  • Final Customer Description column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "retailer" column in our Additionals worksheet
  • Product Type Description column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data can be referenced for values entered into the "format" column in our Additionals worksheet. Please note: format values listed in Additionals must correspond to the set IC values listed here.
  • Amount or Overall Result column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "total" column in our Additionals worksheet net of any distribution fees
  • Units or Sales Quantity column values in UMG Digital Sales worksheet data should be transposed to the "quantity" column in our Additionals worksheet
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