Manually Creating Transactions
Most catalogs need to keep track of income, expenses, and transfers that occur outside of their main data sources - we call these outside transactions Additionals. To get them into IC you need to manually create them.
There are two ways to create transactions in IC:
- one at a time, via the Create Transaction form on the site
- in bulk, by importing an Additionals doc as a .csv
To create transactions one at a time directly in IC:
Log into IC and navigate to Royalties -> Transactions:
Then click "Create":
You'll then be taken to the Create Transaction page:
- Fill in the appropriate fields
- If a new Release or Contract needs to be created, hit +
- Once created, you'll be brought back to the in-progress transaction
- Hit Save, or Save and Add Another
- When you hit Save, it automatically takes you to detail page for the transaction you've just created
- If you hit Save and Add Another but want to view the transactions you've just created, go to Royalties -> Transactions, add the Created At column, and sort by most recent
To bulk import transactions via an Additionals doc:
Note! additionals docs are "single use," meaning once you import the transactions into IC, you can archive or delete the doc - a copy is saved in IC. The next time you need to import new transactions in bulk, make a new copy of the template.
Navigate to the Create Transaction page same as before and click the "Bulk Create" button:
Follow this instructions on the Bulk Create Transactions page:
- To make a copy of the Additional Transactions template, click File -> Make a Copy
- Check the box for "Copy comments" if you like
- Name it something like "[My Catalog] Additionals - May 2020"
- Use the examples in our documentation to help fill it out
- Fill in the required fields, at minimum
- Check out the "examples and help comments" tab if you haven't filled out before
- The doc won't import without the required fields, but you can always change things later
- The Payee field is required for any transfers. The Payee must already be in IC, and you must use the exact spelling. Please note - our system only allows for one payee per transfer transaction. In order to reflect transfers shared between multiple payees within IC, you will have to enter separate transactions for each payee reflecting each payee's percentage of the transfer amount.
- Export from google sheets by hitting File -> Download -> CSV
- Drag and drop in the file into the "Choose Files" field, and hit submit
- You'll get an email confirmation about your import, and whether it was successful or rejected