Generating statements and publishing transactions
One of the final steps in the process is turning payee summaries into statements (more on summaries vs. statements here).
Publishing a statement also publishes related transactions. Payees will have access to their statements and all published transactions.
When generating, you can choose whether or not to notify payees about their new statement and published transactions.
You can also delete, archive, or replace (archive and re-generate) any statement at any time.
There are two ways to publish statements:
- in bulk, via the Period Dashboard
- one-at-a-time, via the Payee Summary
To publish statements in bulk:
- Navigate to the Period for which you're bulk generating statements (Royalties -> Period -> select the period)
- Click the Generate Statements button in the top left of the screen
- You will be asked to confirm, alerted that generating statements publishes related transactions, and given the option to notify payee users
To publish statements one-at-a-time:
- Navigate to the Payee Summary for which you're generating a statement
- Click the Generate Statement button in the top left of the screen
- You will be asked to confirm, alerted that generating statements publishes related transactions, and given the option to notify payee users